Technology and Modernization Quotes in Stormbreaker

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #7

"Think of it, Alex! Thousands of schoolchildren—hundreds of thousands—sitting in front of the screens, suddenly together. North, south, east and west. One school. One family." (9.48)

Sayle sees Stormbreaker as a way to unite the country and the world. Of course, we soon learn that he wants to unite them in tragedy.

Quote #8

This might change everything. A computer virus was the perfect piece of sabotage invisible and instantaneous. (11.19)

Although this doesn't turn out to be true, it shows how vulnerable we are to cyber-attacks. An increasingly computerized world means more potential threats.

Quote #9

The voice rang out over a loudspeaker system, neither male nor female; emotionless, inhuman. (12.10)

This is the disheartening side of our increasingly computerized future. If everyone has the same computer and looks at the same things, then what happens to our individuality?