Technology and Modernization Quotes in Stormbreaker

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #4

From the art and elegance of the main house, Alex could have stepped into the next century. Long white corridors with metallic floors. Halogen Lights […] Another world. (8.13)

Sayle Enterprises is defined by the contrast between the old-school accommodations and high-tech underbelly. This serves to highlight the frightening power of their technology.

Quote #5

It was a beautiful machine. iMac might have been the first computer with a real sense of design, but the Stormbreaker had far surpassed it. (8.21)

Product placement aside, this shows another reason that the Stormbreaker could change the world: It's cool, and cool sells.

Quote #6

Even in those brief seconds, Alex could feel the speed and the power of the computer. And Herod Sayle was going to put one in every school in the country! (8.21)

This is pretty nuts—it would be like Apple giving every school in the country a free top-of-the-line iMac.