Stormbreaker Theme of Power

At its core, Stormbreaker is all about power. After the death of his uncle, Alex is tossed headlong into the whacked-out world of international espionage where he meets plenty of powerful people. There's MI6—ostensibly the good guys, but more than willing to use their own power in less-than-savory ways. And there's also Herod Sayle, a businessman who wields power with even less regard for human life. In a situation like this, the most powerful thing that Alex can do is question authority and follow his own path. You do you, Alex.

Questions About Power

  1. Does MI6 use their power in a moral way? Why or why not? Is it a blend?
  2. What causes Herod Sayle to use his immense power for evil? Do you think it's just because of his childhood? Turn to the text to explain your answer.
  3. Does Alex respect power? And, if so, what kind of power does he respect? Explain your answer.
  4. How is political and social power linked to violence in the novel?