Lies and Deceit Quotes in Stormbreaker

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #7

That morning Alex had read through the file and knew that Lester went to a school called St. Anthony's, had two sisters and a per Labrador [...] A happy family—his family if anybody asked. (7.2)

Now Alex is the one doing the deceiving. Although he's not very good at it, he'll have plenty of time to build his skills.

Quote #8

They'd always thought he had something to hide. But even they had never guessed the truth. He wasn't a friend of England. He was its worst enemy. (13.5)

Sayle plays the role of Charitable Billionaire Playboy with gusto—after all, there's no better disguise for his true intentions.

Quote #9

"We put a D-notice on it, which mean nobody is allowed to print anything. Of course, the ceremony at the Science Museum was being televised live, but fortunately we [...] cut the transmission." (17.5)

This is deceit on a grand scale. MI6 isn't only interested in keeping secrets from other spies—they're interested in keeping them from the public.