Lies and Deceit Quotes in Stormbreaker

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #4

It could have been the entrance to anywhere. A hospital. A concert hall. Even a cruise liner. The place had no identity of its own. (3.21)

MI6 HQ has been designed to look as plain as possible. Sometimes deception is as simple as going by unnoticed.

Quote #5

Alex thought about the dead man, what he had known of him. His privacy. His long absences abroad. And all the times he had come home injured. (4.21)

How did Alex rationalize Ian's many injuries? Paper cut accidents? Coin counter disasters? Being a banker is tough these days.

Quote #6

Ian Rider had told him that he was going to an insurance convention. Another lie in a life that had been nothing but lies. (4.60)

At first, Alex resents Ian for misleading him, but he eventually realizes that his uncle was just trying to protect him.