Coming of Age Quotes in Stormbreaker

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #7

The sergeant gazed at him for a long minute. He nodded his head slowly. "Listen to me, Cub," he said. "I know what happened in the Killing House." (5.53)

Our little Alex has come a long way. Through blood, sweat, and tears, Alex has managed to earn the respect of the same sergeant who once wanted him fired.

Quote #8

Alex was dressed in a flying suit. His hair was damp from the rain. His face was pinched with tiredness, and he seemed to have grown older over the past two weeks. (6.37)

This image highlights the personal growth that Alex has just experienced. It's a pretty far cry from a boy who just wanted to play soccer, right?

Quote #9

Wolf held out a hand. "I want you to know...I was wrong about you. You're all right. And maybe… one day it would be good to work with you." (6.89)

Finally, Alex wins over his harshest critic. Wolf doesn't see Alex as some kid anymore—he sees him as a peer. Yay.