Coming of Age Quotes in Stormbreaker

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #4

"Any boy who would climb out of a fifteenth-floor window just to satisfy his own curiosity has to be rather special." (4.73)

We're just getting started and we can already see Alex's growth. Sure, he's still a boy, but he's well on his way.

Quote #5

"It's a dumb idea. I don't want to be a spy. I want to play soccer." (4.81)

The truth is that we don't get to choose when we go through a coming-of-age experience—these things happen when they happen.

Quote #6

"You're a boy, not a man. But if you complain, you'll be binned […] Between you and me, boy, this is a mistake and I want to bin you." (5.10)

Alex's time at boot camp brings his growth into high relief. He is now—quite literally—a boy among men, forcing him to seriously step up his game.