Transformation Quotes in Red Mars

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

She hit the ground with both feet solid, nothing tricky about it, the g familiar from nine months in the Ares; and with the suit's weight, not that much different from walking on Earth, as far as she could remember. (3.2.1)

Wow, even memories can't be trusted in this novel. At least, we think…?

Quote #5

Finally a dinner call from the rovers brought them back. And walking down over the contoured terraces of sand, Nadia knew that she had changed—that, or else the planet was getting much more strange and beautiful as they traveled north. Or both. (3.5.49)

Elsewhere in this section, we talk about how people change the world but also how the world changes them. In other words, transformation.

Quote #6

First, because almost every model of the planet's formation indicated that there should have been a lot of water outgassing, and it had to have gone somewhere. And second, John thought, because there were a lot of people who would be comforted if the oceanic model were true; they would feel less uneasy about the morality of terraforming. Opponents to terraforming, therefore… (5.2.82)

Here's an odd thought: people searching for evidence of the transformation of Mars, so they won't feel bad about… transforming Mars. People are odd sometimes.