Visions of Mars Quotes in Red Mars

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #1

And so we came here. [Mars] has been a power; now it became a place. (1.1.6)

Upon setting foot on the planet, Mars suddenly becomes something in the realm of imagination and the realm of reality. Sometimes you just need touch the thing.

Quote #2

"Look, Mars is its own place. You can play your climate-shifting games back on Earth if you want, they need the help. Or try it on Venus. But you can't just wipe out a three-billion-year-old planetary surface." (2.2.46)

Mars sure must have a power on people. Maybe Ann's writing off Earth because we've tampered with it so much, but it doesn't make any logical sense to go mess with Venus. So Ann's vision of Mars must come from a not-so-logical place.

Quote #3

The short rugged curved mountain ranges were darker than the surrounding countryside, a rust color broken by black shadows. But both the light and dark colors were just a shade away from the omnipresent rusty-orangish-red, which was the color of every peak, crater, canyon, dune, and even the curved slice of the dust-filled atmosphere, visible high above the bright curve of the planet. Red Mars! It was transfixing, mesmerizing. Everyone felt it. (2.4.110)

Wow. Speaking of that power Mars has on the imagination… They're only words, but you feel like you've kind of been to the place, huh?