Transformation Quotes in Red Mars

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #1

"You can't keep Mars for yourselves, John, it's not a scientific station anymore, and you're not going to get a treaty that makes it one." (1.2.84)

The opening scene hints at the transformations to come. Yes, the technical term for this is foreshadowing.

Quote #2

"We'll change [Mars] just by landing." Russell brushed aside Ann's objections as if they were spiderwebs on his face. "Deciding to go to Mars is like the first phrase of a sentence, and the whole sentence says—"

"Veni, vidi, vici." (2.2.43-44)

Any time you perform an action, you change the world. But don't put too much pressure on yourself—technically, you're changing the world just by breathing, if you think about it.

Quote #3

"It's unscientific! And so I say that among all the many things we transform on Mars, ourselves and our social reality should be among them. We must terraform not only Mars, but ourselves." (2.4.140)

Transformation isn't just something that happens in Red Mars, it can also be a choice. And since it's going to happen anyway, the characters might as well try to choose the transformation.