Rules and Order Quotes in Red Mars

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

Money equals power; power makes the law; and law makes government. So that the national government in trying to restrain transnats were like the Lilliputians trying to tie down Gulliver. (6.2.42)

It may be true that mo' money brings mo' problems, but is also brings mo' power. And lots of it.

Quote #8

"Remember, there is much in your laws that is not in the Koran, but was added in the time since Mohammed."

"Added by holy men," Al-Khal said angrily.

"Certainly. But we choose the ways we enforce our religious beliefs in the behavior of daily life. This is true of all cultures. And we can choose new ways." (6.3.57-59)

Frank wants people to take personal responsibility for the rules they follow and those they don't. He wants humans to acknowledge that they are their own rulers.

Quote #9

John shook his head. In games there are rules, but in life the rules keep changing. (6.4.46)

We'll give it to John—this is true in spirit, but not technically true in games. That said, we officially challenge you to play Monopoly with us some time… You won't even believe the rules we've added.