Red Mars True or False

1. Who says, "Now we are on our own, and I for one have no intention of repeating all of Earth's mistakes just because of conventional thinking. We are the first Martian colonists! We are scientists!"? -> Arkady
2. Who says, "[The First Hundred are] no worse than any other. No worse and no better. You have to get along. You couldn't be here all by yourself"? -> Nadia
3. Who utters, "We don't call it anything. It is just Mars"? -> Maya
4. During a speech, ____ says, "Document all the incidents of crime, just write them down and get the victims to sign the statements. I'll make good use of them. It's going to take work at UNOMA and back home, because [the transnats are] breaking the treaty." -> Frank
5. Who says, "This is home […] This is where we start again"? -> Maya
