The Home Quotes in Red Mars

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

"Yeah, yeah. But who knows what our kids will think is beautiful? It's sure to be based on what they know, and this place will be the only place they know." (5.2.147)

Home is what you know, but as John Boone points out, what you know will change with time. And what your children know will change with time. And what your children's children know will change with time. And what your children's children's children….

Quote #5

Jürgen shrugged, grinned. "We don't call it anything. It is just Mars." (5.3.17)

This quote has got us thinking: does it suggest that Jürgen has made Mars his home, or does he still think of it as a foreign place? It could go both ways. By not labeling the planet, he might not have made it his own. On the other hand, it could also mean he's accepted it for what it is, a home. What do you think?

Quote #6

All the residents of Acheron were there for dinner, holding to an Underhill custom as they did in many other ways. (5.6.14)

Home and custom go hand-in-hand like, um, two hands holding each other… anyway. Just think back to any Thanksgiving at Grandpa Joe's house, and you'll see what we mean.