Community Quotes in Red Mars

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

"There are too many people coming up. You know that. They're not Martian, and they don't care what happens here. They're going to overwhelm us, they're going to overwhelm you. You know that. You're trying to turn them into Martians, we know, but they're coming in a lot faster than you can work." (5.8.79)

The new Martians do have the ability to destroy the community, but it's not like we can live in a community void, can we? A new, different community will take its place. No doubt.

Quote #8

Chalmers nodded. "That's what transnational capitalism means—we're all colonies now. And there's tremendous pressure on us here to alter the treaty so that more of the profits from local mining become the property of transnationals. The developed nations are feeling that very strongly." (6.2.29)

Frank's argument is one of community. Under transnational capitalism, all communities share one distinct definition: colonies. And if there's one definition that most they probably want to avoid, that's it.

Quote #9

"This is understood even by the most conservative elements back home. We will never have civil war, because we are united by our faith."

Frank let his expression alone speak the fact of the Shiite heresy, among many other Islamic "civil wars." (6.3.19-20)

Frank calls into question just how solid any community can be. Changes in ideas, policy, and faith can splinter (if not out and out break) any group of people, from religious communities to sisterhood societies to Friday-night gaming groups.