Wade Owen Watts a.k.a. Parzival Quotes

Since the dawn of OASIS, thousands of elderly users had come here and painstakingly coded virtual replicas of local arcades they remembered from their childhood. (22.7)

Sometimes fond memories of home aren't even from the house you grew up in. They're from a place you had fun, met new people, and fit in. The arcades of the '80s were homes to many people.

Aech's RV […] was a mocha-colored SunRider. […] A patchwork of solar cells covered the RV's roof. (33.48)

Aech's home isn't even a house. It's an RV, which proves home isn't only where the heart is, it's where your Internet connection is, and if you can take it with you wherever you go, well, more power to you.

I was standing in a re-creation of James Halliday's office, the room in his mansion where he'd spent most of the last fifteen years of his life. (37.120)

Here, Wade gets a chance to see the home of his hero, which we might think of as a kind of home for himself. He's devoted so many years to getting inside Halliday's head, and now he's actually standing in the dude's house. Well, virtually speaking, at least.