Wade Owen Watts a.k.a. Parzival Quotes

"I never would have gotten this far on my own. [...] I need your help." (36.72)

In the end, Wade is able to say words that Halliday never could. Halliday never saw the value of friendship, cutting all ties with Ogden and Kira even though he (Halliday) could not have made it as far as he did without them.

I was still better off than most of the kids in Africa. [...] My life wasn't so bad. (1.38)

Wade has a way of rationalizing his world to keep from getting too depressed about it. Although we're not sure that an energy crisis is going to affect people who have been living without modern conveniences for centuries the same way it affects Americans today.

If there was already another gunter [...] my plan was to make a run for it, then steal a car and drive [...] to the next identical copy of Middletown. And then the next, until I found an instance of Halliday's house that was unoccupied. (10.9)

Early on in the Hunt, Wade shows his intention to go to any lengths and devote any amount of time to finding the egg. Even though this is a digital car he's planning on stealing, if the Hunt required him to hotwire and steal a real car, he'd figure out a way.