Wade Owen Watts a.k.a. Parzival Quotes

There was no such thing as a backup avatar. OASIS users could have only one avatar at a time. (7.54)

This is a plot gimmick to raise the stakes on the Hunt. If Parzival "dies," he has to restart at level one and lose everything. It's also a way that the OASIS mimics real life. You only have one identity, so be good to it.

I silently wished [...] that I could save my place. But [...] I couldn't. (8.15)

There are no saves in real life, and the OASIS's lack of save points adds to the tension of the plot. Sure, it may not be real life, but sometimes the stakes are the same.

I was actually playing against Halliday. (8.53)

The whole egg Hunt is a game against Halliday. It's Halliday's legacy, giving him eternal fame. Or at least fame that will last as long as the OASIS does. But is this the kind of legacy people should be striving for? Can Halliday shake the fact that people also remember him as a disgruntled lover scorned?