Power Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Pressia Belze will understand the message we're sending. It might help to convince her to refocus her loyalties. You can tell her that's all we have left." (42.86)

What's in the box? Here is one of the most sadistic parts of the whole book; Ellery knows that most of Pressia's hope is still alive because her grandfather is still alive. So what does he do? He sends a piece of her grandfather to her. It's almost like a form of blackmail.

Quote #8

Bradwell, Pressia, El Capitan and his brother— these are his friends now, his own herd. (49.4)

Power is almost impossible to hold alone; that's why having a solid group of friends can take you a long way. Did you expect Partridge to find his mother by himself? Ha—right. The kid can't even figure out a riddle.

Quote #9

"They've got a switch that they can flip, and if they do, her head will explode" […] Partridge realizes that he still fights the idea that humans are capable of such evil. (49.39)

Pressia is pretty much powerless—and hopeless—at this point. You can't blame her though: she does sort of have a remote-controlled bomb in her head.