Power Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Bradwell is so big and loud, and she's not sure how, but she feels like she's gotten at him somehow. (17.173)

Here's another example of how Pressia uses her mental strength to overcome a physically stronger individual. Just because Bradwell's big, that doesn't mean he's invincible. Think about that study question again: is it better to have mental or physical strength?

Quote #5

Sometimes Ingership orders El Capitan to play The Game, letting one of the weak recruits loose so El Capitan can hunt the recruit down like a sick deer. (18.18)

Not only does El Capitan have dominion over the weak recruits, but Ingership has dominion over El Capitan. Even the most powerful figures in Pure are under someone else's thumb.

Quote #6

This uniform makes her feel solid, protected. She's part of an army. She has backup. (25.2)

Protection can go a long way in a post-apocalyptic world, and so can the safety of numbers.