Perseverance Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She wants to cry, but backhands the tears. She doesn't want anyone to see. Keep at it, she thinks to herself. Keep at it. (22.49)

Holding back tears and emotions is one of the hardest things to do. Lyda's perseverance in the mental hospital almost parallels some the perseverance seen outside the Dome. Hope might seem lost for her, but she still "keep[s] at it."

Quote #5

Only now she has hope—real hope—that she might actually meet her mother one day. (39.18)

The book often suggests that there's a difference between manufactured hope and real hope. Real hope is limitless, but manufactured hope has boundaries.

Quote #6

"We've gotten this far," Partridge says.
"Maybe we'll get lucky," El Capitan says. (47.34)

Luck is another way to persevere in rough times. Though El Capitan isn't always the most hopeful, he always puts his trust in luck.