Perseverance Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"The fact that his heart is beating helps to keep me alive." (53.23)

Aribelle's body is ravaged, her kids are gone, and her lover is lost. Yet, the simple fact that she knows they're alive helps her stay alive.

Quote #8

"That would be like hiding the truth. My body is the truth. It's history." (54.23)

Embracing their scars is another way that people outside of the Dome keep calm and carry on. Turning a negative into a positive can be a tremendous strength, and the wretches will find any way to gain an advantage.

Quote #9

The truth is that Helmud's weight hasn't only made him stronger. It's kept him pinned to the earth, as if without Helmud, he'd have floated clean off the planet by now. (59.98)

Helmud might be fused to his back, but El Capitan needs him. Relationship, company, and a sense of togetherness: all important ingredients to maintain hope.