Language and Communication Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Ah," Ingership says with a wink. '"Little secret. Gotta keep something up my sleeve!" Pressia doesn't understand why he'd keep anything up his sleeves. (29.53)

Ever heard an idiomatic phrase and thought, "What on earth do you mean?" but then just go along with it? That's what it would be like if you were a wretch talking to someone inside the Dome, or to a high-ranking OSR member.

Quote #8

And then Pressia remembers the word. "Chandelier," she says. A beautiful word. How could she have forgotten it? When she sees her grandfather again, she'll whisper the word in his ear. Chandelier. Chandelier. Chandelier. (30.108)

Why does Pressia remember this word, and why do we care? And why do people keep thinking of random words? Our best guess is that Pressia and other characters gain some kind of satisfaction for remembering certain words because it reminds them of their past.

Quote #9

Pressia looks out the window, lifts her doll-head fist ever so slightly, and rocks it back and forth, like the shaking of a head. Is the doll speaking for her? (31.22).

Secret language is always present throughout the book. Here, Pressia uses her doll to speak for her, and that's pretty similar to how the Swan Wife Story speaks for Aribelle. Silent communication is one of the only ways in which the wretches are able to hold power and secrecy.