Language and Communication Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I've spent years teaching myself Japanese […] This means "my" […] And this is a word that I would know anywhere. It means "phoenix." (23.89)

If Bradwell didn't know how to speak Japanese, then do you think Partridge would have been able to solve his mother's riddle?

Quote #5

It's been so long since she was mannered, she's not sure if she'd said the right thing or not. (29.20)

Language in the farmhouse scene is so important. What if Pressia said or did something wrong? Body language, as well as spoken language, can be a major factor in an interaction. And for Pressia, making one wrong move could result in death.

Quote #6

"I've got connections," Ingership says. "Oysters on the half shell. They're an acquired taste." Acquired taste? Pressia isn't sure what the term means, but she loves it. (29.28)

Again, the language boundary that exists between Pressia's world and the world of the Dome further alienates the two regions.