Georgiana Darcy

Character Analysis

Mr. Darcy's sister may be incredibly shy, but she's also incredibly deadly. In fact, Mr. Darcy tells everyone at Netherfield that his younger sis is a zombie-slaying expert: "My sister Georgiana deserves the distinction, however, for she is not only master of the female arts, but the deadly as well" (8.39).

Just as in the original story, Elizabeth also finds out in this one that Georgiana fell victim to Mr. Wickham's devious schemes: he almost convinced her to marry him. You'd think a trained warrior would know how to spot a phony like that a mile away, right?

Think again. It happened to Elizabeth Bennet, too.

Georgiana may have beheaded her first unmentionable when she was only eleven years old, but that doesn't mean she can't be conned. She was taught to guard herself against the undead, but it turns out that she was no match for a handsome, well-mannered guy in a red coat.

Seriously, Mr. Wickham, next time Georgiana is gonna bring out her daggers.