How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Do you know when I was born?" I asked, looking up. […] "On the twentieth of October, in the Year of Our Lord nineteen hundred and eighteen." (25.339)
This is a big step for Claire and Jamie's marriage. She's trusting him with her biggest secret—that she's a time traveler—and his believing her shows how much he trusts her. Would you believe your significant other if they told you the same thing?
Quote #8
"You don't mind my seeing your back?" (8.95)
First, Claire has great grammar. Second, we see Jamie continuing to trust Claire with his most private places. He doesn't even let other men see his back, because it's a reminder of all the torture he has endured. He's willing to let her see it, though, because maybe she can heal the emotional damage the torture caused.
Quote #9
"I swear by the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the holy iron that I hold, to give ye my fealty and pledge ye my loyalty to the name of the clan Mackenzie." (10.78)
The clans take loyalty seriously. There's a whole ceremony, including a swearing to Mr. JC himself and a pledge to be killed should that trust be breached. This is like cross my heart and hope to die taken to the extreme.