How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
I was quite sure I was still hallucinating when the sound of shots was followed by the appearance of five or six men dressed in red coats and knee breeches, waving muskets. (3.2)
Claire has seen her share of violence, but she comes from a world in which wars break out and they eventually end. In the 18th century, tribes and clans and countries always seem to be at battle, and everyone has to be on their toes.
Quote #2
Had [Jamie] screamed when it was done? I pushed the thought hastily away. I had heard the stories that trickled out of postwar Germany, of course, of atrocities much worse than this, but he was right; hearing is not at all the same as seeing. (8.98)
As someone who lived through WWII, Claire knows about the Holocaust. But she's never met anyone who suffered through it, or seen their wounds. Seeing Jamie's wounds is a harsh reminder that violence happens, and it happens to people who she cares about.
Quote #3
I knew the sound of mortal wounding. (10.131)
As a nurse, Claire has seen intense violence, and even watched men die. This can't be easy, but it gives her a cool-headedness that helps her stay calm even when she finds herself in intense life-or-death situations, like a boar-hunt gone wrong.