How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"Do you mean to be laird, if Colum dies?" […] "No. Even if I felt myself entitled to it—which I don't—it would split the clan, Dougal's men against those that might follow me." (16.45)
Jamie would be a good leader because he has his clansmen's best interests at heart. He's not the type of person to make a grab at power at the expense of others. He is loyal to his people.
Quote #5
Met one month, married one day. Bound by vows and by blood. And by friendship as well. When the time came to leave, I hoped that I would not hurt [Jamie] too badly. (16.96)
Married one day, and Claire already feels loyal to Jamie. She doesn't want to hurt his feelings, even though she's only known him a month… and even though she came from the future. Why does she trust him so much?
Quote #6
"Your interests are always foremost in my mind, Uncle," [Jamie] said, and I thought that in spite of the teasing tone, there was a sharp undercurrent of truth to this, one that Colum perceived as well as I. (24.436)
There are different levels of family loyalty. Jamie might be loyal to his uncle most of the time, but only until the interests of his more immediate family conflict with the interests of Colum.