Tradition and Customs Quotes in Memoirs of a Geisha

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Beginning my training meant going to a school in another section of Gion to take lessons in things like music, dance, and tea ceremony. (4.2)

Sometimes the arts of a geisha seem relatively mundane. Many kids take music or dance lessons. But these arts are very relatable for anyone, making geisha culture seem less foreign.

Quote #5

To begin with, you must understand that a housewife and a geisha wear kimono very differently. (5.41)

Here we go, here is something that your average Western reader may not know. A kimono is a kimono, right? Wrong. Geisha kimono are elegant and insanely expensive. A housewife's is much more utilitarian.

Quote #6

A woman who must take her sash on and off all night can't be bothered with tying it behind her again and again. (7.24)

Part of geisha tradition is to separate them from prostitutes. This is one of the distinguishing characteristics between a geisha and a prostitute, in the way they dress.