Tradition and Customs Quotes in Memoirs of a Geisha

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"That would be a lovely bow, if only you were a farmer visiting Kyoto for the first time," [Mameha] said. "But since you want to appear cultivated you must do it like this." (10.69)

Sometimes it seems like learning how to bow will never end. But Mameha is a very good, very experienced geisha, so she can give Chiyo much more detailed instructions than anyone else possibly could.

Quote #8

Geisha never marry. Or at least those who do no longer continue as geisha. (12.66)

This is an interesting fact. Geisha seem to be eternal mistresses. But it makes sense, in the context of being a geisha, because who would want to flirt with a married woman?

Quote #9

I went out to kneel before the Baron, feeling very nervous—for I'd never met an aristocrat before. (15.95)

Sayuri must put her kneeling and bowing skills to the test. It seems like working as a geisha is one test after another, and they have to be good students and pass each one in order to succeed.