Sexuality Quotes in Memoirs of a Geisha

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Can you imagine looking at the private parts of this girl across the table? […] Probably she's no different from a baby!" (15.23)

What's creepy is that most of the men at the table probably are imagining Sayuri naked. They don't care how young she is.

Quote #8

"Every man seated here has at some point his afternoon thought of how much he would enjoy seeing you naked. What do you think of that?" (20.44)

Here is the Baron talking, proving our point about quote #7. For a geisha, this can be both objectifying and empowering at the same time.

Quote #9

To press my body against his felt so satisfying, like a meal after a long spell of hunger. (26.15)

The one time Sayuri has a sexual encounter of her own choosing, it is pleasant, but short-lived, because a geisha must conduct these kinds of affairs in secret, and Sayuri doesn't keep the affair going.