Sexuality Quotes in Memoirs of a Geisha

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Japanese men, as a rule, feel about a woman's neck and throat the same way that men in the West might feel about a woman's legs. (5.34)

This quote is an interesting bit of trivia regarding the sexual proclivity of Japanese men, and it also explains why geisha paint themselves the way they do, often leaving a suggestive trail of skin uncovered by white paint on the backs of their necks.

Quote #5

Despite all these extravagant expenses, [the danna will] continue to pay her usual hourly fee whenever he spends time with her, just as her other customers do. But he's also entitled to certain "privileges." (12.71)

Here is one difference between a prostitute and a geisha. It appears that a geisha will only take on one "client" of a sexual nature at a time, unlike a prostitute who might have multiple clients in one night.

Quote #6

"Most of these innocent little girls have no idea how provocative the 'split peach' hairstyle really is! Imagine that you're walking along behind a young geisha, thinking all sorts of naughty thoughts about what you might like to do to her, and then you see on her this split-peach shape, with a big splash of red inside the cleft…and what do you think of?" (14.7)

This is probably one of the most suggestive images in the book, but if you look at a picture of the actual hairstyle (in our "Best of the Web" section), it doesn't look as sexual as this random man claims it does.