Major Pettigrew's Last Stand Chapter 25 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Major Pettigrew wakes up, thankfully in the hospital and not in a bloody pile at the bottom of a cliff. He's mostly fine. His leg has been repaired, and he's recovering.
  • The Major tells Roger that he intends to ask Mrs. Ali to marry him. He's a little loose-lipped from the pain meds.
  • Mrs. Ali comes in and says that Amina has recovered from her stab wound, too, and she and Abdul Wahid intend to marry right in the hospital.
  • Mrs. Ali is glad the Major saved the day, but she's sorry he lost his prized gun.
  • The gun! It seems that when Abdul Wahid rushed to save the Major, he accidentally kicked it over the cliff. Oops.
  • The Major confesses it wasn't his gun at all. It was Bertie's gun.
  • Before drifting off into a morphine-coma, he tells Mrs. Ali to remind him later to ask her for her hand in marriage.
  • In the night, Amina is at the Major's bedside. She says that she's not going to marry Abdul Wahid, after all.
  • For Amina, "it's not enough to be in love" (25.76). She's a dancer, and she can't imagine being cooped up all day in a boring old shop.
  • So Amina's going to move in with her aunt Noreen. That way Abdul Wahid can still visit their son, and the Major can teach him to play chess someday. Aww.