Major Pettigrew's Last Stand Chapter 23 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • The Major is calling Mrs. Ali Jasmina now. Mmhmm.
  • Mrs. Ali must get back to town because Abdul Wahid and Amina are finally getting married.
  • Mrs. Ali and the Major stop at the Major's house, but someone is inside.
  • It's Roger, acting like he belongs there.
  • Roger is predictably judgmental of his father and Mrs. Ali's relationship.
  • So why is Roger even there? Well, he's upset that Gertrude is marrying Ferguson and not him. We can't see why; Roger seems like such a catch…
  • The good news is that with Ferguson out of the picture, Roger doesn't want to sell him the guns anymore. Yay.
  • Okay, now it's time to take Mrs. Ali home.
  • Mrs. Ali and the Major get to the shop, but the cops are there.
  • Amina has been stabbed. Major Pettigrew's Last Stand just got real, y'all.
  • The crazy great aunt with the knitting needles stabbed Amina, and Abdul Wahid ran away with her—the crazy aunt, that is.
  • The cops believe that Abdul Wahid may have played a part in it, but the Major and Jasmina know he'd never hurt her.
  • Mrs. Ali and the Major rush off to find Abdul Wahid, but the Major stops by his house to get his gun… just in case.