Major Pettigrew's Last Stand Chapter 13 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • The Major is raking leaves on a Saturday morning when there's a huge kerfuffle inside the house.
  • It's Roger, who showed up unannounced (must run in the family).
  • Roger didn't know that Abdul Wahid was there, and being crazy and a little bit racist, Roger starts a huge fight with him.
  • The Major smooths things over with Abdul Wahid and insists he stay and join them on the picnic Roger and Sandy brought.
  • The group has a nice mostly civilized discussion, mainly because Roger doesn't open his yap, and then Abdul Wahid has to go to work.
  • After lunch, Roger reveals that he's going shooting with Lord Dagenham next week, and he asks to borrow the Churchills.
  • The Major shoots that down fast, pun intended.
  • The Major admits that he'll be there himself, and he'll have the guns on him.
  • Before Roger leaves, he has to bring up Abdul Wahid one more time, saying "he could be a terrorist" (13.211). Right, Roger.
  • The Major is more sad than angry, pretty much giving up on Roger altogether: "It seemed very sad to be indifferent to one's own son" (13.214).