Violence Quotes in The Lovely Bones

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I felt huge and bloated. I felt like the sea in which he stood and pissed and shat. I felt the corners of my body were turning in on themselves and out […] (1.84)

Instead of the violence itself, we are seeing its impact on Susie in the moment. Her inner life has been, in a matter of moments, utterly transformed.

Quote #5

He had done this thing to me and I had lived. That was all. (1.90)

Susie has no illusions of continued life at this point. But, this sense of renewed life, of a moment of relief, is a powerful observation.

Quote #6

He had put me in a waxy cloth sack and thrown in the shaving cream and razor from the mud ledge, his book of sonnets, and finally the bloody knife […] tumbled together with my knees, fingers, and toes. (4.4)

The after-violence is incredibly striking. The idea of Harvey carving up her body and tossing it about so carelessly may be hard on the reader. We are glad her family was spared the knowledge. Or, would it have helped them to know the truth?