The Supernatural Quotes in The Lovely Bones

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Had my brother really seen me somehow, or was he merely a boy telling beautiful lies? (7.35)

Susie has been trying not to think of Buckley too hard. When she thinks of people too hard, they might see her in the glass. There's a fine line between memory and imagination, and really seeing a ghost.

Quote #5

I listened to the sounds and felt the train's movements and sometimes, by doing this, I could hear the voices of those who no longer lived on Earth. Voices of others like me, the watchers. (17.104)

In this novel, the dead fill the world of the living. But they are restricted to the role of passive "watchers" that aren't involved in the living world (or not much, at least).

Quote #6

I had told people about her, what she did, how she observed moments of silence up and down the city and wrote small individual prayers in her journal, and the story had travelled so quickly that women lined up to know if she found where they'd been killed. (18.10)

Rose has some supernatural abilities. Stephen King might say she "shines." This makes her quite the celebrity in heaven, at least amongst women murdered in New York City.