Detective Len Fenerman Quotes

"Nothing is ever certain," Len Fenerman said. (2.43)

That was the line my father said to my mother, "Nothing is ever certain." (2.44)

Len's phrase is comforting at first, but hollow and even cruel eight years later, when he brings them Susie's charm. It also shows his desire to maintain order in the chaos.

A little strange, Fenerman thought, but it doesn't make the man a murderer. (5.51)

Len Fenerman is trying to be a good cop. He can't stand the idea of making a mistake, of inconveniencing an honest citizen. He's too careful.

"Each year it's something I do for Leah. […] My wife. I'm a widower." (5.54)

Len felt that he was intruding on this man's private rituals. (5.55)

And here's where Harvey gets him. Since Len actually is a widower, Harvey inadvertently presses his sympathy buttons. Len will believe anything now, even a wedding tent.