The Lovely Bones Chapter 3 Quotes

The Lovely Bones Chapter 3 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote 4

It was my first machine, my starter kit to becoming what I wanted to be. A wildlife photographer. (3.42)

Susie's first machine, her camera, also becomes a time machine, or the pictures she takes become one. The photos she leaves behind reanimate things that happened long ago -- so long as they exist and there is someone to look at them.

"I was crossing through the faculty parking lot, and suddenly, down, out of the soccer field, I saw a pale ghost running toward me." (3.5)

When Ruth tells her mom this, she isn't sure she wasn't dreaming. But, she soon faces the fact that Susie did indeed touch her on the way out. And when you're touched by a ghost, you better take it seriously.