The Lovely Bones Chapter 3 Quotes

The Lovely Bones Chapter 3 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote 1

He christened the walls and wooden chair with the news of my death, and afterwards he stood in the guest room/den surrounded by green glass. (3.64)

Here Jack is shattering the ships in the bottles that Susie used to help him complete. His anger is an expression of his love, and he is afterwards able to see Susie's projected image in the glass.

Quote 2

He nodded and kissed my father's cheek. Something so divine that no one up in heaven could have made it up; the care a child took with an adult. (3.70)

This tender moment occurs just days after Susie's death. Throughout the novel, father and son are there for each other, though they have a few rough patches.

Quote 3

It was then that, without knowing how, I revealed myself. In every piece of glass, in every shard and sliver, I cast my face. (3.64)

After smashing up the ships in bottles, Jack gets to see Susie's face. It's then that he figures out that Mr. Harvey is her killer.