A Little Princess Sara Crewe Quotes

Sara Crewe

Quote 13

"Yes," answered Sara, nodding. "Adversity tries people, and mine has tried you and proved how nice you are." (8.76)

Even though their class stations are now completely different, Ermengarde still works doggedly to maintain her friendship with Sara. After all… BFF! She may not be a heroine like Sara, but Ermengarde still has our vote.

Sara Crewe

Quote 14

"I didn't want you to know," Sara said. "It would have made me feel like a street beggar. I know I look like a street beggar." (15.104)

Sara is acutely aware of how un-rich she looks, but Ermengarde doesn't mind at all. Guess there are some benefits to being a little dim-witted.

Sara Crewe

Quote 15

"…Excuse the liberty, miss,"—to Sara—"but you look rosier and—well, better than you did that—that—"

Sara looks so different from her street-rat self by the end that the bakery woman can hardly recognize her. But she's still the same person underneath.