A Little Princess Sara Crewe Quotes

Sara Crewe

Quote 4

"I can write to him," she said joyfully, "and leave it on the table. Then perhaps the person who takes the things away will take it, too. I won't ask him anything. He won't mind my thanking him, I feel sure." (16.84)

Check out how Sara is even nervous about thanking her mysterious benefactor, just in case he doesn't even want to be acknowledged. Pro tip, Shmoopers: always write your thank-you notes.

Sara Crewe

Quote 5

"Nice monkey! Nice monkey!" she crooned, kissing his funny head. "Oh, I do love little animal things." (16.110)

Sara is a regular Snow White when it comes to the number of animal friends she has: rats, monkeys, and sparrows.

Sara Crewe

Quote 6

"There isn't any banquet left, Emily," she said. "And there isn't any princess. There is nothing left but the prisoners in the Bastille." And she sat down and hid her face. (15.224)

When the magic has come and gone, it's just Sara in her sad, lonely little attic. Super depressing, Shmoopers. But wait! This may be the darkest moment yet—which means that dawn can't be far behind.