A Little Princess Sara Crewe Quotes

Sara Crewe

Quote 7

"I WAS supposing," she said. "I was remembering that hungry day, and a child I saw." (19.13)

Even when she's as rich as a real princess (and probably richer than some), Sara will never forget her hungriest and most miserable days.

Sara Crewe

Quote 8

"I don't like it, papa," she said. "But then I dare say soldiers—even brave ones—don't really LIKE going into battle." (1.20)

Sara wouldn't be the first kid to compare going to school to the horrors of war, but she's going to keep that little chin of hers up—and face Miss Minchin's school even it if does seem horrible.

Sara Crewe

Quote 9

"Beggars have nowhere to live," she said courageously. "I have a place to live in." (9.4)

Sara has to stay brave for Lottie; otherwise she'd probably just start crying again (like usual). This is a good example of how Sara believes that princesses have to set … good examples.