War Quotes in Life After Life

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"It promotes peace and understanding between young people. No more wars." (24.11)

The hindsight irony here is so bright it's blinding. Mrs. Brenner is talking about the youth groups set up by Hitler—yes, that Hitler. Instead of "no more wars," these groups lead to the war to end all wars. If they promote peace and understanding between young people, they also promote hatred and intolerance toward everyone else.

Quote #8

Pamela, even at a distance, was the voice of [Ursula's] conscience, but then it was easy to have a conscience from a distance. (24.72)

Although Pamela never crosses into Tumblr armchair slacktivism, she often passes judgment on situations that she hasn't lived through. Ursula gets a different view of Germany when she actually lives there during the war.

Quote #9

[Ursula] thought she would never get over that first terrible incident, but the memory of it had already been overlaid by many others and now she barely thought about it. (25.36)

War is one atrocity after another, and whenever Ursula thinks she's seen everything, something worse trumps it.