Women and Femininity Quotes in Life After Life

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Doctors for women should all be women themselves. Little chance of that. (3.11)

This is Sylvie's thought. She doesn't like the male Dr. Fellowes "pawing and poking […] in her most delicate and secretive places" (3.11), but in 1910, there's no hope of a woman ever becoming a doctor.

Quote #2

"An honest woman?" Sylvie mused. "Is there such a thing?" (Did she say that out loud?) (4.63)

Sylvie, despite being female, is almost as far from a feminist as you can get. Sylvie definitely adheres to the rigid gender norms of the day, and encourages her children to do the same thing.

Quote #3

"I can't teach her—she's a girl!" (6.28)

Maurice shrieks this while trying to teach Pammy tennis. We'd love to say, oh, what an archaic thought, but people still say similar things today.