Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge
The Blitz was "a night when London was ringed and stabbed with fire." In other words, it was not fun, not that Life After Life pulls any punches over what it was like to live through this terrifying event. War correspondent Ernie Pyle called it the "most hateful, most beautiful single scene I have ever known." And that's something we see in Life After Life, a strange beauty in the middle of war. (Source.)
It's odd to sympathize with Eva Braun, the girl who "spent most of her time waiting for Hitler," but when Ursula befriends her, she does sympathize with the mistress of the world's worst person. Eva is, of course, a real historical figure, and there's more to her story than Ursula knows. (Source.)
The book Ursula uses to teach herself about reproduction, The Teaching of Young Children and Girls as to Reproduction by Beatrice Webb, is actually a real book. We don't recommend using it for educational purposes. (Source.)