Prejudice Quotes in Life After Life

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"And as for you, Maurice," Bridget continued, "you're little more than a savage." (8.2)

Bridget would probably be a big fan of the Washington Redskins. Classy.

Quote #5

Even now, after everything people learned about the camps and so on, anti-Semitism was still rife. (18.31)

Not even mass genocide can keep some people from being prejudiced against Jewish people. Can anything change a prejudiced person's mind?

Quote #6

"Gypsies," Mrs. Glover concluded, which was pretty much what she considered all foreigners to be. (20.182)

Mrs. Glover is the lazy kind of prejudiced person—she can't even be bothered to think of specific things to hate, she just dislikes anything "different."