Mortality Quotes in Life After Life

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Ursula] had never chosen death over life before and as she was leaving she knew something had cracked and broken and the order of things had changed. Then the dark obliterated all thoughts. (24.241)

This is a major breaking point for Ursula—she kills herself and her daughter, but she does it because she thinks it's for the best. It's important to remember that she is choosing death here, not rebirth. Despite living over and over again and having feelings of déjà vu, it doesn't seem like Ursula ever truly realizes that she is born again and again.

Quote #8

Ursula wasn't convinced that the dead went anywhere, except into a void, black and infinite. (25.34)

This quote backs up what we thought about the last one: that Ursula believes she dies, not that she is reborn. While there may not be an afterlife for Ursula, there's no oblivion either.

Quote #9

"We never know when it will be the last time," [Ursula] said to Izzie. (25.256)

This is a typical sentiment when it comes to death, but it's ironic coming from Ursula's mouth. Going forward, she will know when it's the last time, thanks to her memories of past lives.