Marriage Quotes in Life After Life

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Ursula] was going to belong to someone, safe at last, that was all that counted. Being a bride was nothing, being a wife was everything. (20.443)

Ursula seems to have bought into Sylvie's belief that being a wife is the most important thing ever. Ursula has given up any sense of personal agency, giving up her entire identity to be married to Derek, in the hope of being "safe," but he takes advantage of her lack of power.

Quote #5

"Everyone marries a stranger," Hugh said. (20.460)

This is the truth, especially in these days where courtship doesn't seem to be the same as dating is today. People often let their true natures show after getting married, maybe because divorce is so uncommon.

Quote #6

[Ursula] had started wearing a wedding ring when not at work, for appearances' sake. (22.59)

While Ursula is living with Crighton, she has to pretend to be married. Cohabitation isn't a thing at this time.