The Supernatural Quotes in Infinity: Chronicles of Nick

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He was younger than the other Malachais she'd fought. More innocent. Sweet even. (3.74)

We're not sure what a Malachai is, but it's capitalized, so you know it's important. Also, it appears that Malachai is a bad thing, since it's something Nekoda has fought before. And it's something Nick has the potential to become. Maybe that explains the sinister voice?

Quote #5

"That single act of drifting toward violence against another has unleashed his Cimmerian Magus. The dark powers are uniting now to train him." (3.89)

Nick's Cimmerian Toast Crunch isn't ever mentioned again. We have no idea what it is. Maybe a power that gets soggy in milk?

Quote #6

"You won't believe this…Brian Murrey tried to eat Scott Morgan." (4.157)

After a few Resident Evil references, we officially have zombies. At least that's a supernatural creature we recognize. How are the zombies in this novel different from the zombies in Resident Evil?