Letter from Birmingham Jail: Trivia

    Letter from Birmingham Jail: Trivia

      Dr. King improvised the most famous part of his most famous speech. As we all know, sometimes you've just got to wing it. (Source)

      King got a C in public speaking during his first year in seminary. That shouldn't give you an excuse to coast or anything, but maybe it goes to show that the occasional mediocre grade isn't the end of the world. (Note to parents: the emphasis is on occasional.) (Source)

      MLK started college when he was fifteen, partly because colleges were looking for more students on account of World War II taking everybody overseas, and partly because he was a total nerd. (Source)

      There are more than 900 streets named after Martin Luther King in America. Maybe because he spent so much time marching down streets? (Source)

      King was a big fan of Star Trek. Almost definitely because of the "Trouble With Tribbles" episode. (Source)